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Design and Tradition
Design and Tradition
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Design and Tradition by Amor Fenn

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Principles of Decorative Design书籍封面
Principles of Decorat…
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Principles of Decorative Design by Christopher Dresser

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The Bases of Design书籍封面
The Bases of Design
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The Bases of Design by Walter Crane

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Vision and Design书籍封面
Vision and Design
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Vision and Design by Roger Fry

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Design of a Steel Railroad Warehouse书籍封面
Design of a Steel Rai…
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Design of a Steel Railroad Warehouse by Louis Liston Tallyn

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Design for Doomsday书籍封面
Design for Doomsday
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Design for Doomsday by Bryce Walton

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Wood-Carving: Design and Workmanship书籍封面
Wood-Carving: Design …
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Wood-Carving: Design and Workmanship by George Jack

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Modern Design in Jewellery and Fans书籍封面
Modern Design in Jewe…
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Modern Design in Jewellery and Fans by Charles Holme

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An Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design书籍封面
An Introduction to Ma…
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An Introduction to Machine Drawing and Design by David Allan Low

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Sewage Disposal Works: Their Design and Construction书籍封面
Sewage Disposal Works…
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Sewage Disposal Works: Their Design and Construction by William Charles Easdale

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